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- 1 August, 2024

Summer Energy Drinks

Summer Drinks to Give You Life

Summer’s here and it’s set to be a scorcher.

Sunshine and warmth are very welcome, less so is the fatigue many of us experience during this season. Summer slump may be due to our bodies readjusting to the heat – learning to sweat more and shifting metabolism down a gear – or to dehydration (or both!).

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Our first piece of advice is obvious. Drink up! It’s always important to stay hydrated and especially so in the summer months, when we lost more fluid to perspiration. Doctors suggest we drink between 1-1.5 litres of water a day.

While we love pure H2O, it gets a little same-y when you’re drinking that much day in, day out. Good news: other drinks count towards your fluid intake. (Just keep them healthy! More on this below).

Level Up Your Summer Beverage

What if your drink went beyond hydration to banish your energy drop?

We know this is the promise of a whole host of ‘energy’ and ‘soft’ drinks, although the caffeine in many of these is actually dehydrating and the eye-watering sugar content only sufficient to give an energy shot followed by an almighty crash.

No, we’re talking about a sustained boost, laced with micronutrients and a feel-good buzz.

There are two power couples in the RAW beverage world that upgrade your garden variety water into just such a drink. Let’s get you acquainted.

Chia Seeds & Lime

Chia seeds

Our favourite micro powerhouses. These guys are nutritionally incredible. For exceptionally few calories, they deliver fibre, protein, omega 3s and a variety of vitamins and minerals in decent amounts. Research suggests they also help regulate blood sugar levels.

Upon mixing with fluid, chia seeds absorb up to 30 times their weight in water, forming a gel. This helps the seeds slip along your digestive tract, hydrating you steadily as they go.

Lime juice

The juice of one lime contains up to 25% of an adult’s RDA of vitamin C, which among other benefits is – like chia – thought to help regulate blood sugar levels. Its acidic tang also turns any drink it comes in contact with lip-smackingly refreshing.

The combination of these makes for a thirst-quenching, energy-regulating power drink. Here’s how to do it:

Chia Fresca (aka Iskiate), inspired by Oh She Glows

  • 2 cups water or coconut water
  • 5 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • Sweetener, to taste (we like 1 tsp RAW honey)
  1. Add seeds to water in a jug and stir well to combine.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes to allow chia seeds to absorb and swell. Stir.
  3. Add lime juice and sweetener. Stir well (and as needed while drinking) and enjoy!

Mix it up: Try this ACV, chia and orange elixir, which derives vitamin C from orange juice rather than lime.

ACV & Raw Honey


Raw ACV is high in iron thanks to ‘the mother’, the live substance in raw ACV that is denatured and filtered out in non-raw vinegars. Iron is essential to transporting oxygen around the body, which is why people suffering from iron deficiency – anaemia – are often extremely fatigued. ACV is also packed with prebiotics, antioxidants and vitamins. Like our power couple above, vinegar has also been shown to help regulate blood sugar. Little wonder that Samurai warriors reportedly used ACV as a tonic for strength and energy.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is awash with benefits. Dubbed ‘the perfect running fuel’, its unrefined sugars are readily absorbed by the body (along with its probiotic microorganisms, antioxidants and nutrients).

Together with blood sugar-regulating ACV, raw honey provides a gentle and sustained pick-me-up – only magnified by the combined sweet and sour flavour notes.

Switchels, Shrubs and Tonics are drinks that marry ACV and honey with the help of ginger or fruit (read more here). Try our strawberry and ginger ACV switchel or ACV, blueberry and ginger shrub for sustained energy and hydration with a side of zing. Don’t forget the ice!

Find your summer drink staples here. Are you beating the summer slump? Show us your homemade energy drinks! #RAWSummerEnergy

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