For the Salted Chocolate Easter Eggs:
80g cacao butter
50g coconut sugar
50g cacao powder
Pinch of pink Himalayan salt
For the Salted Caramel Centre
340g pitted Medjool dates (roughly 8-10)
1 tbsp Raw coconut Oil
60ml water
½ tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp RAW honey
Pinch of pink Himalayan salt
For the Salted Chocolate Easter Eggs
1. Gently and slowly melt the cacao butter over a Bain Marie, ensuring it doesn't get too hot. Slowly stir in the sugar until combined.
2. Mix the cacao powder into the mixture until a smooth, creamy chocolatey mixture is formed. You can use a small whisk if helpful.
3. Stir in the salt until well combined.
Using a pastry brush, brush a thick layer of the chocolate evenly over the Easter egg molds, and place in the fridge for a couple of minutes to harden slightly before adding another coat. You may need 3-4 coats in total. Place in the fridge.
For the Salted Caramel Centre
1. Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blitz until everything is smooth and creamy.
2. Fill the Easter egg halves with the caramel and place in the fridge for 5-10 minutes to harden.
Assembling the egg:
1. Using the remaining raw dark chocolate from the shell, carefully brush a small amount around the edge of the half shells, and gently place the other half of the egg on top, pressing down slightly to make sure they are stuck together.
Return to the fridge to harden before eating. Happy Easter!