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Raw Crackers with Trio of Dips

For the Lemon & Herb Humous:
1 x 400 g tin of chickpeas
1 small clove of garlic
1 tablespoon RAW tahini
1 lemon
A small handful of parsley or coriander
RAW extra virgin olive oil

For the Classic Guacamole:
½ a small red onion
1-2 fresh red chilies
3 ripe avocados
1 bunch of fresh coriander
6 ripe cherry tomatoes
2 Limes
RAW extra virgin olive oil

For the Tomato Salsa:
6 ripe tomatoes
1 big bunch of fresh coriander
1 onion
2 fresh jalapeño or green chilies
1 large clove of garlic
1-2 limes
RAW olive oil

For the Lemon & Herb Humous:
1. Drain and tip the chickpeas into a food processor.
2. Peel and add the garlic and herbs, then add the tahini, a good squeeze of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of oil.
3. Season with a pinch of sea salt, then pop the lid on and blitz.
4. Use a spatula to scrape the houmous down the sides of the bowl, then blitz again until smooth.
5. Have a taste and add more lemon juice or a splash of water to loosen, if needed, then transfer to a serving bowl.

For the Classic Guacamole:
1. Peel the onion and deseed 1 chili, then roughly chop.
2. De-stone the avocados and scoop out the flesh.
3. Start chopping it all together until fine and well combined.
4. Pick over most of the coriander leaves, roughly chop and add the tomatoes, then continue chopping it all together.
5. Add the juice from 1 lime and 1 tablespoon of oil, then season to taste with sea salt, black pepper and more lime juice, if needed.
6. Deseed, finely chop and scatter over the remaining chili if you like more of a kick. Pick over the reserved coriander leaves.

For the Tomato Salsa:
1. Finely chop the tomatoes and coriander (stalks and all) and place into a large bowl.
2. Peel and finely chop the onion, deseed and finely chop the chilies, then scrape into the bowl. Peel and finely grate in the garlic.
3. Squeeze in the juice from 1 lime, add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and mix well. Season to taste with sea salt, black pepper and more lime juice, if needed.
4. Serve straightaway or cover and set aside for a few hours to let all those flavours develop.

Serve all of the above with RAW crackers. Enjoy!


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